19 December 2008
12 December 2008
词: 黃建州
曲: 鄭楠
等候在 骤来的 夏夜暴雨 时间突然静止
滂沱的 雨势中 停泊两段 迂回着的心事
忽然间 所有的 谈笑风生 瞬间戛然而止
靠着我 挡着你 风雨之中 不让你被淋湿
我们在这个城市 流浪多少日子
却从来没有想到 有人能分享 你倾覆的心事
* 没有了你叮咛的日子 耳朵总感觉怅然若失
生活上来了又去 得了又失 是你给我扶持
不断寻觅错过了几次 从来不知爱近在咫尺
回头发现 熬过这些日子 总有你的影子
孤独在 各自的 人生旅途 安静或是飞驰
遇见了 彼此后 两个灵魂 不再患得患失
有些话 想启齿 欲言又止 你耐心等我解释
微笑着 不说话 把我抱住 让我像个孩子
在光阴这趟车上 浪费了多少日子
遇见你却让过去 所有的痛楚 通通被稀释
# 没有了你倾诉的日子 耳朵就感觉怅然若失
生活上来了又去 得了又失 你是我的坚持
陪我同游余生的日子 就算走到了穷途末日
天涯咫尺 在人生的白纸 同愉快的写诗
08 December 2008
set off before 8am which was super early and reached there at abt 11 i tink, including breakfast along the way. was then told that we were gg to have lunch first b4 gg to the chalet. -.- breakfast at 9+ and lunch at 11+, my cousins (winnie & felicia) and i nearly pengz, hahah. had chilli crabs, prawns, sotong balls, fish, bean sprouts (cant believe i can still rem wad dishes i had, Lol). but the seafood there wasnt really v fresh and dun really like the chilli crab sauce. taste different, hah. after which, waited v long to take a boat to the chalet place.
when we reached, the first thing we did was to explore the toilet, wahhaa. there were 2 kinds, one which everything that comes out of you goes directly into the swamp below =D, and another the flush type. was quite tired, and so we slacked in the room for quite awhile. got pulled out by my aunts who asked us to go walk walk. and we walked until the place where we had lunch. after that, went to another kelong nearby to see the different fishes ppl rear too. saw this v interesting crab which has a really huge shell. Went back and we juz heck care and rested on the beds, hahha. usually i wun do tt, but ytd was unusual. duno y i was so tired the whole day, kept feeling slpy. nearly fell aslp and my another cousin barged into the room and asked all of us to go eat curry chicken and bee hoon (tea break i suppose). well, i suppose my brain is still working, cos i saw an insect on the bee hoon i scooped. cfm that it was an insect as it has got legs, omg. hahha. but the curry chicken was nice. N decided to go fishing after the tea break! ok, but i nv fish or throw the rod in. only sat by the side and see the sunset, haha. but my uncle managed to catch a fish! so exciting. but it died while he was trying to get the hook out, haaa.
Dinner was bbq food. had bbq chicken and satay, plus steamed prawns, fish, and otah. Food here was niceeeeee! prawns and fish were very fresh! plus there were fireworks for us to see while eating =D. highlight of the trip comes next. Fireworks! we bought quite abit of fireworks and play too. Very nice to be able to light the fireworks ourselves and see it juz on top of us =DD. well, but beautiful things are short-lived.
went back to the chalet to slack again. bathed and had supper at 11+. but the red bean soup not nice, hah. slpt soon after. initially was slping on this bed with 2 mattresses which my body will sink and drown into the mattress, and is v uncomfy. so i decided to squeeze with winnie. realised that there was not enough space for me to toss and turn and couldnt slp, so shifted to a top bunk bed juz beside the aircon. the blanket was quite thin, and i was almost shivering in the morn cos it started raining heavily in the middle of the nite.
next morn wanted to take a walk out again, but was put off by the rain. rain plus wind makes it super cold and umbrella doesnt really help. N i din bring a jacket too, hahah. went back to chalet place and watch my uncle disturbing crabs and mudskippers with the fishing rod, hahah. seriously too bored. he even bought water guns for us to shoot, ahahah. but the guns were lousy, cant even reach the mudskippers, lol. at 11+, took the boat back. Felicia and i nearly froze cos we were not in the shelter and the rain and wind kept hitting us, hahah. reminds me of the day in TW when we went yang ming shan, hah.
had lunch at the same place and came back lo! stopped awhile at a small shopping centre on the way back, but nv buy anything.
no idea why and how did this entry become so long..
06 December 2008
anyway, had a couple of "bonding" session at work recently. last wk was some sharing and interactive day - discussed work at ritz carlton in the morn and had lunch buffet at the hotel. duno the price of the buffet, but dun really have much variety for the main course. kept attacking the salmon sashimi only, hahaha. aftnn was supposed to be bowling only, but the bosses came up with an impromptu activity which made us run and rush like mad, and ended up with body ache the next day. effect of aging =( oh and still cmi at bowling, hahaha
ytd went sentosa for retreat. morn had to run and rush ard again -.-, this time under the sun though it was at vivo. was super hot and sticky when we reached sentosa by noon. and soon after, it rained in the aftnn. was caught in the rain for a short distance when we had to make our way from the cool deck to board the bus. was quite shagged already, and practically stoning the whole aftnn. but still, managed to join some of my colleagues for dinner and drinks. reached home at 11+ and had to boil water to bathe cos the heater in my hse spoiledddd. how very primitive, HAHAHA. and needless to say, after the "rigorous" activity in the morn, woke up with a full body ache again the next day. shows that the jogs i have occasionally is totally useless, sadded =(
celebrated nana's bdae last sat at sizzler! aftnn went shopping for present with kok and winnie. not to say we were so last min, the day before, or rather the nite before, i had met up with tam and attempted to find sth already, but still..no fate with the presents, hahahha. not easy to shop for nice presents k..hahha. sizzler's steak was not bad, but i still prefer hog's breath cafe.
need to shop for xmas presents soon! haven shopped for xmas present for ages, since i duno when. or perhaps i have nv done so, really cant rem - another effect of aging, hahaha
09 November 2008
seems like i haven been posting photos for quite some time, so here goes:
dun worry kok, look how pro i am. confirm wun let u fall one.
now i noe how it feels to rest arms ard ppl who are not as tall, hahhaa. kidding =P
duno wad we were trying to do, but definitely not trying to outcast u, winnie.
nice photo of tam, illustrating how hot it was. but weirdly, the sun is quite bright only at this spot
07 November 2008
and it doesnt help that I keep making mistakes, which means wasting time. Really quite demoralising. but luckily i do have nice colleagues, and quite encouraging also. Tell me that its not tt bad since I am doing it the first time =D I hope it will be better the next time, heh.
oh, and its really quite scary to be alone in the office at nite..hahah
NOW, its the weekends!! finally can have my R&R =D
18 October 2008
15 October 2008
06 October 2008
27 September 2008
hungry hungry. the stupid ulcer is preventing me from eating much, though i tink i ate quite alot today also, with the free breakfast and lunch provided, hahaha.
slpy slpy. tink i was half stoning during shopping with my colleague juz now, hope she wun feel like killing me, wahahha
24 September 2008
21 September 2008
still, i should try harder to better control the irritation. no one to blame but myself.
sun blues~~
08 September 2008
din buy anything except a pkt of mint choc biscuits, though i wanted new tops, hahah. reached home with my calves muscles feeling v tensed again (this happen like quite frequently). wonder if its bcos i walked too much, but den again, its not like i walked the whole day..hmmm. and the tensed muscles are worse today, feel as if they ll cramp anytime while i walk. doesnt really help when i stretched/relax them also.
did eyebrow threading ytd too, and omg, it was damn painful!! hahahaha. gonna swear off threading. and my eye brow was exceptionally extra red as compared to tam's and nana's after the threading. even after i bathed, it was still a lil red, and a lil painful when i touch the area. sensitive skin, muhahaa.
ahhh, 4 more days to end of the wk~
05 September 2008
31 August 2008
it has been 4 wks since i started working. hmmm, i tink i have sort of gotten used to the idea of working, no more slping in on mon to fri, no more carefree days where i can go out and play as and when i like and squeezing in the ever crowded train and bus. still learning stuffs and i m glad my colleagues are quite frenly and helpful =).
on fri, i was on the topic of our branch's peak and off peak period with one colleague who was teaching me sth. anddddddddd, i was horrified to find out that there was almost no off peak period, zzz. den i asked her how long has she not gone on a hol, and she said 2 yrs +. omg. this is seriously quite sian, i need to go hol at least once or twice a yr!!!
oh and n tue, went to see doc for the 4th time within 2 mths, cmi, hahhha. when will the stupid running nose and phlegm disappearrr?!
28 August 2008
25 August 2008
23 August 2008
10 August 2008
like the 2nd last sentence of the book: 失去的时候,双手骤然放空,我们因此知道,原来曾经紧握着。
03 August 2008
wed went out with the butaz. had dim sum at chinatown red star, cos i had cravings for dim sum suddenly, hahhaha. and mag said i always have freak cravings. =( dim sum is niceeeeeeee. and i love the century egg porridge there. if it came earlier, i tink i would have ordered a 2nd bowl, hahaha. was sort of the rubbish bin of the day. those dim sum which came in 4 pcs, i ate 2 while they eat one each. and came the char siew bun, only 2 of it. so i thot they juz take one each, and i ll juz try a lil. end up they 2 shared one, while i ate one myself. UNFAIR treatment!! but nvm, the food was NICEeeeeeee, lol. wanted to go shopping but ended up in kbox, hahahaha.
so went shopping on thurs with mag instead. bought 2 tops and a new phone, woooo. nth much to be excited abt over the new phone, cos its a zero function phone. but not tt bad looking. at least its abt half the thickness of my SE phone only, and its white! lol.
and i am still considering wad to do with the iPod. whether to sell or use it, hahaha. seems more rational to sell it, since i wun it much. cant bring mp3 to work, and i would use my SE phone for mp3. lazy to bring another mp3 player out. hmmm
hmmm, quite a different experience for a first time clubber? lol. but i still dun see the pt of spending loads of money on drinking (+ entrance fee somemore), making urself high and dance and some to the extent of drunk. Maybe the fun got cut off early today or sth. or maybe i ll understand the fun of it next time, hahaha. somehow chilling out and drinking at pubs is different.
thot i was already quite shagged at 1+ and went back home at abt 2+. had supper at mac cos the 4 of us (2 winnie's frens, nana and me) were kind of hungry. Reached home, bathed and went to bed at abt 4. only to find myself totally awake, with no sign of sleepiness and no yawnings at all. and it was so warm tt i couldnt take it and got up at 6+ to take a bath again, hahhaa. but i can feel a outbreak coming, Zzz, lol.
oh ya, and i was really damn lucky. there was lucky draw again, and i won the 3rd prize, which was a 4G iPod nano plus $100 taka vouchers. OMG! lol. got me a lil high when my uni frens somehow manage to find me and tell me the news, hahaha. cos our tix were in running numbers, and they noe i was holding the tix. Really lucky to have chosen the tix out of 8 or 9 tix, lol. but i hope i dun finish using my luck, ahhaha =D
more updates later, juz trying to make myself feel more slpy by typing a post, hahaha
28 July 2008
Sat went for HSS convo dinner at villa bali! woooo, quite warm there cos its outdoor. din eat much of the food cos wasnt really v hungry and the food was kind of too dry for my throat. had lots of fun taking photos here and there with many frens =D. oh ya, nearly fell down! cos the place is too dim and i missed a step while walking down a small flight of stairs, stepped on empty air and nearly fell, Zzz, hahahah. luckily i manged to grab christina or she managed to grab me (either way) juz in time to prevent me from falling. i tink ys grabbed me also, on my left. cant really rem the whole scenario already. happened too quickly, lol. luckily not many ppl ard too, lalala. oh den den abt the lucky draw. so happened tt ys was the first lucky one to get the 10th prize, and me seated beside her got the 9th prize. the 8th and 7th also went to 2 person sitting beside me and beside each other, so its like 4 consecutive ones, lol. $10 Haagen Daz voucher, i wanna go eat ice creammmmmmmm!
ytd had dinner at boon lay raja restaurant for maternal ah ma's bdae celebration. appetite was not bad, ate until i was so fullll, hahaha.
duno y, seems like not slping tt well again. always wake up once or twice in the morn and hard to get back to slp though i only slpt for 5 or 6 hrs. and when i get back to slp, its also only like being in light sleep.
oh ya, starting work on 4th Aug, next mon! no more sleeping in on weekdays already. wake up at 649am or earlier ! *sobs*
22 July 2008
以后都不要再联络 听你说得很简单
黑暗中紧紧搂紧自己 孤单有谁明白
难过懒得再去管 泪要不要流下来
我也只好默默啃蚀寂寞 留着痛灌溉
Missing you 抛去爱 渐渐模糊的期待
难道我就这样痛撤心扉 是自己活该
Missing you 我无奈 难道是为了彼此伤害
看照片散落在一床 我再回忆中哭喊
若是自导自演的闹剧 为何美好曾拥怀
就当作分手是因为 我们在爱中看开
如果留不住 我就只有孤独来陪伴
Missing you 我坦白 突然背叛的未来
那个时间转角 你就不再留意我存在
Missing you every night 连星海也嘲笑我活该
陌生的人海 去哪里找爱 只有看不清等待
谁愿收留 我的期待 快来
for now, juz a few pics tt my camera could take b4 it died on me. wonder if theres anything wrong with the battery or the charger, since it lasted for only about 30 photos when i charged it the day b4, Zzz.
me and ys! pal who make lessons not tt sianz for me, though i always get bullied, HA
18 July 2008
went out with kok (finally again! lol) and mag ytd! AS USUAL, waited for mag as she was late. i duno why shes always late and i m always early when i meet her recently, lol. wad to do? being punctual is a virtue tt is often not appreciated by most ppl, HAHAHHA. Juz kidding juz kidding! dun kill me plsssssssssss. but 190 go town during off peak hrs is really fast, lol.
wanted to go shu uemura to get our eyebrows trimmed since mag says our big day is coming next wk, but it was full even on a wkday aftnn, so made an appointment for today. but with cramps i couldnt go out and we changed it to next wk instead, hahah. and ended up shopping ytd, faints, lol. met kok after her work and went down to chinatown for BKT! wooo~ lol. saw ys, sh and winnie though when they off work somewhere in the vicinity, hahaa.
after dinner we walked down towards outram station, while tinking of wad to do next. and at one point, being desperate already, we decided to play the game of choosing orange or apple. we were more creative though, like the choices for mag are kiwi, strawberry and lemon (all fruits tt she dun like), for kok are black, grey and blue (3 colours she loves), while for me the choices are moss, mud and fungi (.... seriously, i duno how they got the choices out, so off la!). in the end we settled for dessert. so walked back to central again, and had dessert at azabu sabo. den home sweet home at abt 10, reached home at abt 11.
oh ya, and while me and kok were at her hse downstairs, we saw a cat againnnnnn. quite small one and looks like those which will follow u. so after my scary experience of being followed by a cat in sch before, and plus kok is also scared of cats, we decided to take the other stairs up to acc her to go back first, lol. managed to reach home safely with no cats following me too though, luckily, hahahaha. duno wads with kok's blk eh, always have many cats loitering there. waiting to pounce on her probably! hahahha.
14 July 2008
looks like my craving for durians and BKT have to be postponed! SADDED =((
oh ya, outbreak too. irritating.
4gt to blog abt sth again, brain not functioning well today (only today!), hahah. was a lil amazed by the new temperature-measurement device. from mercury thermometer, to digital thermometer to the ear thermometer, and juz now the doc juz tap the thermometer at my forehead to get the temperature. so cool!! LoL. i thot she was gg to put it at my ear, and wonder for a moment wad she was doing when she tap me on my forehead, hahhaha.
take care peeps!
13 July 2008

You're the time of day right around sunrise, when the sky is still a pale bluish gray. The streets are empty, and the grass and leaves are a little bit sparkly with dew. You are the sound of a few chirpy birds outside the window. You are quiet, peaceful, and contemplative. If you move slowly, it's not because you're lazy ? it's because you know there's no reason to rush. You move like a relaxed cat, pausing for deep stretches that make your muscles feel alive. You are long sips of tea or coffee (out of a mug that's held with both hands) that slowly warm your insides just as the sun is brightening the sky.
saw it on ys's blog..hahah. 649am, how is tt possible?! lol
12 July 2008
reached safari at abt 830, and bought our tix. OH, and the toilet was quite scary, lol. seriously, i tink they can do without the animal's (lion, tiger or leopard?) growling sound. Very disturbing. and i m not the only one who thot so, the rest agreed too, hahaha.
went to watch the show, and some of the animals were really cuteeeee! esp the small small ones, hahaha. but i cant rem wad are they, except those easily recognisable like owls, tiger, leopard. One of the segment of the show was promoting environmental friendliness and there were these small little animals which picked up cans and bottles from the ground placed by the trainer, and they had to throw them into the respective bins. one of them was v funny, kept playing with the can (like juggling it) while standing. Either it is purposely playing with it, or it really cant get tt can into the bin, hahaha. but sooo cute!
after the 3omin show, we finally decided to get rid of the cake first. Open the box, and saw a v creative or uniquely looking cake, HAHAHA. a half melted one. SEE SEE, dun wan to cut at MOS burger!! lol. and still v on enough to sing birthday song there, lol! still manage to finish half or more den half of the cake eh, not tt bad. considering tt tam only eat 1 or 2 mouthfuls. sadded! waste ying's effort to go buy eh! hahaha.
den we proceed to walk the trail at abt 10pm..hahah. so look see look see. saw a tiger really really close up. its like lying in front of us, juz separated by the glass wall. and it did a cat walk too. stood up and walked one rd, flaunt its muscles, before lying down on the same spot near the glass wall again, hahah. got the chance to experience a really close-up encounter with fruit bats. we gotta enter this enclosure where all the bats were. imagine them flying on top of u, hanging downwards on the trees juz beside u. and the 2 birthday gals din wanted to go in at first, but we managed to pull them in, esp since its Tam's idea to go safari, how can we allow her to miss such a rare opportunity right? hahaha. the scariest is one where there is this really REALLY HUGE bat hanging openly (as in open its wings) and its really v close when u walk past. hahahaha.
oh dear, how come i seems to be narrating a scary encounter at safari instead?! hahahah. after tt took a few pic at the busstop outside safari with a night safari sign board, juz to show tt we've been there, LOL. quite impossible to take pic inside there. oh ya oh ya! and we walked to a place which was very beautiful! OMG! the mandai lake. picture a quite big lake in front of u, still water, quiet and serene and there are reflections of the trees, clouds and sky on the lake, with a not totally dark sky. lousy description. too bad, the scenery can only be photographed by the mind.
kevin drove me and nana home after that, while the other 3 took bus back to cck. i prefer the zoo over safari, but i guess tam shd be quite happy. since she saw many of her good frens there, nocturnal animals! =D
the 2 bday gals! forever 21!!! HAHAHA
ps: in future, lets juz have 1 candle? HA
比想象中更痛 你真的没回头
回忆不跟你走 都挤在我心中
我眼泪都笑了 谁还想哭呢
再勇敢的站着 找回光和热
面对你的时候 我不会舍不得
因为你已是过客 因为路有些曲折
心碎成了沙漠 就快开凿绿洲
你温柔的双手 本就不属于我
你眼泪都笑了 谁还会哭呢
来不及完美的 就唱首骊歌
想起你的时候 我不是卑微的
因为我已爱过你 深深的
伍家辉 - 一个人白头
关 反正灯 总是那么暗
反正天 总是那么蓝
反正我 逃不开孤单
看 那时间 转得那么慢
少了你 有点不习惯
听寂寞 轻轻地飘散
一个人白头 一个人白头
一个人能重来几次 又被你淘汰
一个人白头 看自己白头
无声无息 否定我存在
无声无息 又被你淘汰关
为何灯 总是那么暗
为何天 却还是那么蓝
为何我 需要这孤单
时间 还转得 真的有点慢
少了你 还有点不习惯
听寂寞 轻轻在飘散
nice songs! =D
03 July 2008
01 July 2008
met up with ys, shi hui and christina on the 20th after ys came back from HK! and she gave me a new bag!! hahahaha. Thks thks! =D. had dinner at this place at MS, but i cant rem wads the name now already (wads new?! =\). i rem i was v full though, or rather ate until i felt quite sick cos its all fried food! kinda dry, lol. chatted with them over dinner until abt 9 and went to boat quay to find mag! joined her at Harry's for her CEE chill out party, and the drinks were really cheap. only $5 for alcoholic drinks, lol. drank less den 2 cups only anyway, i m not alcoholic. and i still tink sticking to vodka sprite is the best choice, hahahah.
went ECP to blade with ying, nana, tam, and mag last tue! and tam was the driver of the day, hahah. thks tam!! i m sure all of us entertained u too while u were feeling sian abt driving, LOL. Fell like 4 or 5 times, but no any major injuries, hhaha. very hard to blade smoothly down slope, its like, i cant control my direction and its so fast! when i try to shift my legs a lil to change the direction, i ll feel unbalanced, and so if i cant turn successfully, usually the next thing i see is the grass juz above my face, HAHAH. oh ya, and i had this really stupid fall. was juz standing on the grass and drinking water (bought by tam, so nice of her! =D), and i DUNO HOW, my wheels suddenly slipped and had quite a bad fall. it was worse den falling while blading, lol. at least i felt a greater impact and more pain. i tink it was quite comical, though none of them caught the whole thing. and, i tink i wanna give up learning blading, lol.
after blading, we went to somewhere near parkway parade to look for kbox, and only to realise tt it has closed. so decided to have dinner first and go back JE for kbox. dinner was at this hawker centre, and OMG, the porridge was really nice. its juz plain claypot porridge, but its soooo nice!! sang k until 2 am and tam drove us home. totally SHAGGED. Tam is really nice on tt day, maybe only on tt day? HAHA. luckily she dun read my blog. Nana, be niceeeee, dun tell her? hahahah.
went to bugis on sat (28th) to go support SHINE event and also do some shopping. So saddddddd, i missed wu jia hui's live singing!!! =((. the weather was so freaking hot la, and the 3 of us din had much appetite for dinner, lol. i felt like puking when i see the food, though i still ate a lil. Kevin came and drove us and we went holland v for ice cream! mint ice cream helps to soothe the stomach eh, lol!
ytd went out with e butaz. finally get to meet up with kok, after me and mag faced 1 million rejections. had lunch and slacked at TCC =)
i miss TW 鸡排, ah zong mee sua, sausage, kao hsiung's Howard hotel breakfast (lol!). i wan to play and slack everyday without having to worry if i ll get a job!
Plan a very short trip to Batam/Bintan after kok is back? =DD
wu jia hui, xiao han and eric ng!
09 June 2008
oh, and wads with ahhhh? my legs are temporarily paralysed, cant move and my butt, do i even have a butt?! lol
but i still tink its v fun, lol, alot more fun den jogging really, hahaa. juz tt u get an uneven tan for cycling =\. whole arms, from shoulders to hands and thighs are RED.
kok, wanna go cycling with me someday???? HAHA
where is the end ?
08 June 2008
been slacking since i came back from TW. kind of bored at home but dun really feel like gg out sometimes too (dilemma between the personality who wans to socialise and the personality who doesnt like to do so). Dun really know wad to do outside either (with reserves running low), and seems like most of my frens are quite busy except me, hahaha.
feel like gg for a trip again, ahhhhh, its addictive.
oh right, had a mini steamboat for dinner today. din had one at home for more den 2 yrs (i tink), and a big surprise awaits me. 2 cockroaches hid inside the steamboat box!! wa, sort of jumped and ran to stand at the toilet door while my mum took the mop and stab one of it which was outside. den the other one FLEW out and into some hole. asked my mum to pour water inside it, which din work. so asked her to pour hot water instead, and it floated out, lol! kind of er xin, but well, cockroaches are not meant to be ard rite? at least not to be seen in the hse.
somehow, the proper post is shorter den the crap one. shd crap more den =D
cant rem the exact days, but within this wk, i had 2 weird dreams on different day, and they are really weird, illogical, random, wadeva other words u can describe it.
the first one i had was about skeletons. Dreamt that i was in a house full of skeletons and we (me and duno who else, canot rem or din see the faces), had to fight and kill them to survive (save the mankind!!!).
the second one was i dreamt that my parents and i were transported to this other place (which is not Earth) to collect different species of crabs, and we still meet this 2 other people who were attempting to "snatch" the crabs from us, but of cos we gained ownership of them first.
now even as i typed it out though the two dreams were few days ago, i still tink they are hilarious, hahahaha. totally makes no sense.
so briefly narrate these 2 dreams to dearest 1/3 buta Ms TKH, who is so nice enough to interpret my dreams for me =) (for more details can go to her blog for frens who noe). Juz a short summary of her interpretation: according to her experience (Ms TKH took philosophy and studied on Descartes and his dreams argument), the skeleton dream meant i was too skinny like the skeleton, and the crab dream meant i shd be less crappy and treat her and 1/3 buta Ms MSF crabs.
wad i wan to say is..Ms TKH, luckily u nv majored or studied more on philosophy =\, and i tink Descartes may be quite sadded eh, by the fact that his theory probably din seem to have enlighten u, hahaha.
my own interpretation of the two dreams: the skeleton one probably meant its my deepest desire to contribute to mankind. the crab one probably juz mean, i have cravings for crabs (all sorts, like the snow crab and one other (4gt the name) crab i ate in Hokkaido). and like different kind of cooking method, be it chilli, butter, steamed, steamboat, bbq, black pepper .......
right, when are we gg for a crab feast??
08 May 2008
time to blog abt Japan trip, if not i have to blog alot when i come back from TW..HA
basically woke up v early every morn, like ard 6 or 7am there (Japan is 1hr faster). Weather was damn nice! esp hokkaido, which is cooler. got one nite the temperature even went down to 11 deg cel! shiok!! hahahah. n it rained the day after, and the temperature was also about 13 deg cel the whole day, damn cold esp with e wind! sometimes got "smoke" when we talk..hahahha. but its also v dry, my nose hurts when i breathe (same as when i was on plane) in the cold air. hair and skin also v dry..Zz.
1st day was supposed to be free and easy, but the tour guide offered to bring us to a shopping mall, AEON, nearby at a fee of 600Yen to and fro. so we went. had lunch at their food court. the buying food system there is quite interesting. at every stall, theres a ticket machine, where u have to buy the meal ticket first, present to the person at the stall, den she will give u one 'tracking' machine, which ll produce a beeping sound when ur food is ready. cool!! hahaha. but the food at the foodcourt wasnt really nice..ha. walked ard the mall, but cant find anything to buy, cos the price is super ex. hahaha. kinda sian to shop but nv buy anything.
2nd day fly to sapporo airport, at hokkaido. had crab feast! but the crab wasnt as sweet as it looks. hahah. den we went to Shiraoi Ainu village, their aboriginal ppl and culture. watched a culture show and was very much entertained by the host who can speak simple korean, chinese, and even hokkien..hahaha.
Next went to a bear ranch and see bears. the bear cubs were sooo cute!!! and u can buy apples and throw to feed the big bears. when they see u holding apples, they will stand and wave their arms at u to ask u to throw them, kawaii!!! hahaha
den went to mount showa. erm.. i tink it was a volcano. the itinerary says: at Mount Showa, an interesting landform that was raised froma farmland after two years of volcanic activites. saw smoke coming out also! but the sulphur smell was quite disgusting.
after that was checking into a hotel at lake toya, and saw sunset! omg, v beautiful!! told my bro and cousin tt we should go watch sunrise the next morn, but erm..well, who can wake up at 4am in the morn?! HAHA. the sun rise there quite early, i rem i woke up halfway thru one nite(mayb its the nite b4) at abt 4+ sg time, n it was already bright outside. had dinner at a restaurant in the hotel, and watched a about 20 - 30 mins fireworks..Wooo~
3rd day, early morn went to sobetsu fruit farm, but it wasnt the fruit season, so no fruits for us to pick. But we made ice cream ourselves!! by juz using milk, fresh cream, 2 large metals bowls, ice and salt. the ice was placed in one of the bowl first, and salt is sprinkled on it to further reduce the temperature. den pour the milk and cream into another bowl and place it on top of the bed of ice and spin it. den eventually it ll become ice cream! hahaha
next took a short ferry ride to Nakajima island for a nature walk and see deers. saw lots of pine trees too!
right, den the driver took us to a place where we can see SNOW!! HAHA! so v exciting!! though its not falling from the sky, but its still so exciting to see snow!!! LOL. got the most of us so excited and happy..LOL. well, we only have one HOT sun in singapore. but its kinda interesting that the snow doesnt melt under the hot sun. the weather wasnt even v cold, i din had to wear jacket. ok, mayb its on its way to become water.
after all the excitment, we went to Jigokudani (hell valley), which was a sulphurous boiling pond. the sulphur smell was quite disgusting. checked in the hotel quite early, and after putting our luggage in our room, we walked ard the street juz outside the hotel.
4th day, went to Noboribetsu Date Jidai Mura, where we see culture from the Edo period. Watched a ninja and a geisha show. we were each given a piece of paper, which was for us to wrap 100Yen inside and throw to the stage after the show end. was fortunate that we din had to sit in front, if not our heads would have been hit with the coins..HA.
next we went to Furano Tomita Farm and see lavender !!! the lavender season was in August, but nevertheless, they grew small plot of lavender inside the green house for tourists to see ba. tried the lavender ice cream and bought quite abit of lavender stuffs, like a pillow for my mum, a smaller one for myself, one essence oil and the dry flowers. n my bro gave me one to cover the eyes one..haha.
i tink we went to jam garden and make apple jam and also the Anpanman shop too. cant rem which day was it tt we went..hahaha.
5th day went to Otaru and see the kitaichi glass. V exquisite, and was so tempted to buy sth but the price held me back (luckily i wasnt overwhelmed by impulse), hahah. went to a music box museum too, but only my cousin bought 2 musical box..hahah. den free and easy to shop ard. ate the cream puff which wasnt expensive, and even got free coffee! they have strawberry, mustard and original (?) flavour, liked the strawberry one best! hahha.
next visited Ishiya chocolate factory for the Hokkaido no. 1 famous chocolate biscuit - shiroi koibito (白色恋人). its really everywhere in Hokkaido, but only in Hokkaido. the boss dun export it or sell it in other places except Hokkaido. after that the guide brought us to a place to try a famous ramen, those traditional types which we see on TV..nice nice! noodles was v Q!
6th day, morn went to a seafood market to see see and also to Odori Park and took pictures, and also saw the Sapporo TV tower which is the NHK tower. den was shopping time!! went to Sapporo station shopping arcade and a factory outlet mall Rera. 3 of us plan a route to conquer all the shops we wanted to go..hahahah. i bought a levis jacket for abt $65.
took a nite flight back to Narita Airport (Tokyo).
7th day, tour guide brought us to 2 places to shop, one of it was Aeon again, n the other i cant rem the name already. 2nd time to Aeon, we went to hard rock cafe and i bought a T-shirt and a guitar keychain! i m so rich!! LOL. had lunch at the sushi shop and omg, the salmon sushi is damn nice. the variety wasnt alot, or mainly its becos i only ate salmon and the ika one. the salmon was so big that u can see the rice below it. seriously. in Japan, u dun have to go for sashimi, juz eat the sushi which is same as the sashimi in singapore. and it was quite filling. 3 of us ate 19 plates only, cost us abt S$11 or S$12 only.
den it was to the airport to wait for our flight, and home sweet home~!! was so hungry that i tink i finished my food in 10 mins. LOL. 8pm dinner leh..of cos hungry, not tt i m pig..hahahaha.
cant really rem which day eat wad food, but i noe we had suki yaki, and e beef was damn nice. cook the meat and den dip into raw egg to make it smooth (as wad we were told), but i thot there was no difference betw dipping or not. we also had a meal which was all steamed food, like steam veg, fish, pumpkin blah. this was eaten when we visited the Edo period thingy. ha. had a western meal at one of the hotel for dinner too, the steak was really good, and the seafood meal was scallop and salmon (i tink i had scallop and salmon almost everyday) which was delicious also. the scallop was HUGE..hahahah.
hmm, tried hokkaido milk beer also, but it doesnt have milk taste..lol. oh, and the milk in hokkaido dun have the milky taste one, and ur mouth wun have the "sticky" feel after drinking it. breakfast at the hotels werent fantastic. oh, and saw sakura also..wahahha. was quite lucky to be able to see it. saw the white one too! wooo, beautiful!!
photos erm..mayb tml? or after TW le..haaha. too many nice photos..LOL!
enjoy the holidays!!
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. No cheating.
4. With the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5. Tag 5 people.
How are you feeling today?
任性 - sun yan zi
yea yea, din wanna pack my table and things I brought from Japan, feeling lazy la! So its not really ren xing, Hahaha.
Will you get far in life?
Now - Wang Ruo Lin
oh no, I m stuck at Now!!!
How do your friends see you?
save me - Corrinne May
Cant believe I m a life saviour, HAHA
Will you get married?
all that I need - Corrinne May
err, marriage is all tt I need? Hahahha
What is your best friend’s theme song?
听说爱情回来过 - jolin
What is the story of your life?
单数 - 曹格
wa! So sadded la!!
What was high school like?
never let u go - Janice wei lan
Yea, din feel like letting high school pass so fast, missed the crazy times and crazy frens..hahah
What’s in store for this weekend?
the best mistake I have ever made - wang ruo lin
right, gg to Taiwan and made myself bankrupt would be the best mistake I have ever made!
How’s your life going?
无能为力 - 张敬轩
life’s not within my control? hahaha
How can you get ahead in life?
酷爱 - 张敬轩
well, erm..how to interpret the title first?
Be cool to get ahead..hahha
What’s the best thing about your friends?
一直很安静 - 阿桑
dun tink I have quiet frens..i muz be the quietest among all already, HAHAHA!
What song will they play at your funeral?
free - corrinne may
freed upon death? Hahahah. I still wan to enjoy life!!
How does the world see you?
默契 - sammi chengi
have mo qi with the world~!
Will you have a happy life?
let’s start from here - wang ruo lin
start from here to have a happy life!! Yay!
Do people secretly lust after you?
爱的了解 - 戴爱玲
help me with this.
How can you make yourself happy?
a lonely september - plain white t’s
Being alone makes me happy? Even SADDED la!!
What should you do with your life?
pachelbel canon in C - george Winston
Er.. treat it as a classical piece of music, HAHAHA. so lame.
Will you ever have children?
擦肩而过 - li sheng jie
means wad?
What song would you strip to?
in love again - Janice wei lan
wa, ok not bad a song..LOL
What does your mum think of you?
对的人 - dai ai ling
oh yea, I m the “right” (perfect) daughter!! HAHAHA!!
What is your deep, dark secret?
牵牵牵手 - wu ke qun
holding hands can be a secret too, LOL
What is your mortal enemy’s theme song?
飘零燕 - twins
yes, let them be 飘零燕!!
What’s your personality like?
心乱如麻 - Janice wei lan
confusing/split personality! lol
What song will be played at your wedding?
可惜你不在 - dai ai ling
i dun tink got 5 ppl read my blog leh..hahaha
5 ppl:
1. Mag
2. Kok
3. Kai Wen
i only noe these 3 always tag, and i cant tagged ys since its she who tagged me!! hahahha.
All who read muz do!! HAhahh. quite fun la! juz tt the playlist i m listening to has too few songs..LOL.
07 May 2008
22 April 2008
21 April 2008
作曲:Vincent Chow 填词:林夕
无论怎得罪 你说我是负累 陪着我等于死去了无情趣
从前或现在当我是谁 你这一种伴侣
前夜一起睡 你却没廉耻 竟讲出口你怕受罪
完全忘记往日为何 凌晨仍潮弄戏水
*难道爱爱爱爱爱 我对爱情已死心 贪高兴狠心敷衍 一下却逼真的亲吻
我们这结局太不堪 分不出真假的爱恨
无谓爱爱爱爱爱 太过动魄惊心
我估错这个世界得到教训 怎相信人 命中怎么爱着你为人〔罪行〕
立甚么心肠 我对你极善良 如若你肯想想我这样受伤
你会知爱情毒于砒霜 你怎安心可不改漂亮
怎想象 共你已同享多少很真确晚上
一转头 缠绵后要罚离场
难为这洗劫永没罪证 道别并无罪 也没权问你内情
Rap: 我都唔知点解你现时对我冇晒感觉 以前嗰种快乐 就好似成为一种罪恶 连我心情 你都唔多觉 或者其实所谓爱情都只系互相搵一个补给 或者系一重即兴嘅幻觉 连自己都唔知道乜系喜 乜嘢系乐 几时有感觉 又几时冇晒知觉 就算你无突然失去下落 我哋之间都可能已经没落)(把失败换教训 不死总算幸运 看 全没罪案发生 慰藉众生不需责任 一起若像软禁 无疑离开先更 合衬)
Jpn/Hokkaido: 30th to 7th May
Taiwan: 10th May to 20th May
auntie's memory failing i can understand, so write here den u can refer to it anytime..HAHA.
Mayb u wan make a list of things u wan me to buy for u in TW also. I haven reach auntie's stage, but my memory all along not good, lolll.
14 April 2008

can finally upload pics!!! but its not becos blogger got error or sth, its becos somehow (i duno how) the blogging mode is in "edit html", rather than compose..so..HAHAHAHA. damn goonz!
but anyway, damn cute rite!! wahahahah. the 1st pic was taken ytd, during his 1st mth bdae. can actually see from my carrying position, tt i dun really noe how to carry comfortably..hahahah. so scared when i carry him la, too nervous and sweat alot! hahaah. but got many adults surround and support, so no scared no scared, he wun fall..LOL.
原创歌曲: 最长的电影 (周杰伦)
Written during last sem. erm..credit goes to ys as well?? i tink she gave me the idea to write..wahahaha
good luck to all frens for the upcoming exams! Jia you!! =D
16 March 2008
I gonna slp at 11 everyday!!! (say only). right..more reasonable target: slp before 130am, den eventually at 1am. slping at 1am is quite a significant improvement as compared to slping at 3am for the past wk, and 2am usually.
and my parents booked the tour to hokkaido liao! yay! I m broke!! volunteered to pay for my own expenses though my mum also volunteered to help me pay, but hmmm, feel uneasy to spend her money on my own stuffs. no freedom. hahaha.
wad else to update? nth seems as exciting as gg overseas now. oh, got kind of hooked to playing the games on viwawa. shit. lol. i ll try to get past tt stage SOON. yaya..wait till i level up, buy more skills, etc etc etc..HAHAHA. juz kidding. i ll get sian of them soon, i tink. hee
oh right! my cousin gave birth ytd!! today went to hosp to visit my cousin and the baby. born at 8.53am, weighs 3.6/3.7 kg..hhahaha. so cuteeeeeeeee, though all new borns look quite the same..but still, SO CUTE!! ahhh..somehow i cant upload pics to blogger now. ll try again next time~
11 March 2008
wooo, we are gg TAIWAN!! taking up a 8 days tour package which practically brings us all ard taiwan, and gonna extend for another 3 days at taipei. Praying hard that the extension will be approved..haa.
sch is still quite busy..and assignments are boring..
1.5 mths more to mark the last exam paper of uni..
well, 2 interesting (?) qns came to me randomly and thot i ll post it here..see if i ll get any reply..heh.
What do u tink is the most shocking thing that i will ever tell u, which
(Q1) u can accept, and
(Q2) u cannot accept or find it hard to accept
right, back to doing assignment b4 ys kills me..HAHA
26 February 2008
seriously, i dun understand why i face insomnia or bad sleep so frequently, at least too often for my liking.
and this 3 lines suddenly appear in my mind
we really do need alot of courage in life dun we?
22 February 2008
20 February 2008
To my pleasant surprise, i found out today that someone uploaded it on imeem music!! yay!! and chen di yan sang the song well too!
词曲: 陈环
*一直飞 翅膀 也会疲惫
% 感觉到
想要 回忆里所承诺的美好
^ 我想逃
再也找不回 从前微笑
repeat #*%^^
19 February 2008
ys and me~!
me and shi hui~!
half of S09 class pic
nana, ying, and me trying to take a pic, with tam, kok and mag trying to destroy it by being in the background..HAHA
12 February 2008
CNY eve woke up at 7+ to go sch from 830 to 1130, den went to ah ma hse n bai bai. 捞鱼生 and ate shark fins too! wahh..nice nice. but we shouldnt be so cruel to the sharks hor..yaya, i have decided not to eat shark fins anymore!! perhaps home-cooked one can be an exception?? simply too good to resist. this yr we also became more skilful when lao yu sheng, no abalone on the floor and ceiling, but there were carrots and radish on my right arm until my shoulder.
den 6+ walked from ah ma hse to somewhere at keat hong there with my eldest aunt family to have dinner tgt. yup, to save the huge and tiring preparation work, we dun eat reunion dinner all 30+ of us tgt liao.
chu 1 was the usual routine, morn go papa side ah ma hse and have vegetarian breakfast first (vegetarian for half a day every yr). slack, stone, eat lunch, play cards until late aftnn den go a distant relative hse, where we continue playing cards (cos theres nth to do, n we were all really dozing off)..hahaha. after which, i went to mama side uncle and ah ma hse for dinner. the buffet dinner wasnt nice..heard that they changed the cater..ahhhh, really not nice. prev yrs one were not bad.
chu 2 wanted to slp more, but my papa n mama woke me up when they got back from mkt. after lunch, got ready to set off and do more visitings with my eldest aunt, youngest aunt and 4th uncle. visited 3 more distant relatives (papa's aunt and uncle) in total, and could have been 4, but the last one wasnt home when we went..hahaa. dinner was at kfc for us 9 kids (definition of kids here: not adults means kids..w age ranging from age 10 to 20+), while the adults had rice at the coffeeshop juz outside.
winnie (cousin) followed us back to my hse and "rest" a while, and at 9+ vincent (it feels so weird to omit the gor..lol) drove us to jp to watch late nite movie, ah long pte ltd. first time i watched a show with so many cousins..11 of us in total, though 3 of them were cousins' gfs. the show..hmm..not worth a $9.50 show la, becos there is like not much of a plot, but mark lee was quite funny. i rem there was this part where a sacarastic remark was made abt singapore sth (cant rem), which was supposed to be funny i guess, but no laughter can be heard..i wonder..
after the show, me n my bro and 2 other younger cousins went to winnie (and vincent) hse to stay over. watched final destination 2, which was erm..a lil gore, but ok, i hid one eye behind the pillow. i duno since when do i not like gore/bloody movies..thot i was ok w it last last last last time..haaaa. slpt at 5+ and woke up at almost 12, juz in time for my aunt's curry! yummy~
so spent chu 3 at my eldest aunt hse (gathering there) and in the evening went to mama's side youngest side hse for another gathering. papa left at 9+ to drive my bro to his fren's hse while me and mama stayed on, since the cousins who stayed opp the road from my place drove 2 cars, and can easily send us back. played blackjack until 10+? den the adults somehow learnt another new game and my cousin sent me, mama, and my ah ma back at 12+, while the rest still continued. me n my cousin were already v slpy liao, but they still not tired..0.0. tink i slpt at 3+..haaaa
next day woke up mon liao!! CNY hol over!! time to work hard!! and i was vv slpy and lethargic on sun and mon. ZZzzzZZz. today was much better.
oh today went to watch kungfu slamdunk. better show den ah long? haaaaa. tts wad i thot, at least the cast was much better..haaaa. abit unrealistic (as can be expected) and lame at some parts, but overall was not bad. see the way they played basketball and slamdunk oso cool! i wun mind if ah sa got more scenes though..
tml watching p.s. i love u! wah, suddenly movie marathon?? haaa. but lot 1 cinema there having renovations and no more nachos to buyyyy!! so sad! ahhhhhh..yaya i noe i ate last fri when watching ah long, but still..the craving doesnt stop..ahahaha.
b4 we 捞
after we 捞
sumptuous lunch!!
2 cousins, whom we dun meet often..the boy is so cuteee!! and shuai! lol
the 4 who slack/rot/stone tgt at ah ma hse, ok leave the 2nd left guy out cos he seldom go ah ma hse liao..hor hor!!
3 models~
erm..another 3 models? LOL
07 February 2008
04 February 2008
now feeling abit 百感交集, cannot put into words with my limited writing ability.
------------------------------------------1:25 pm------------------------------------------
Sammi 2007's show mi concert juz caused me to do so. and i m not even watching it live (yea, i shd have..). there were 2 segments which were touching: one when she mentioned about her father, and talked a lil abt the period when she "disappeared" or took a break from the entertainment cicle, the other was when she read a letter that she wrote to herself.
some of the things she said really left a deep impression on me:
i had told myself since some time ago to listen to my heart and follow wad it says. stay true to urself, be urself and life would be happier. but, how easy is that? with all the different voices, both internally and externally, i juz cant seem to hear wad exactly it is saying. it is confused, and making me confused, making me unsure, making me feel lost.
back to the concert, during the encore, she actually appeared on stage with a slice of bbq pork (rou gan) in one hand and a humongous lollipop in the other, so we see the sammi w a huge tinge of craziness. and the songs were great (ok, i admit i skipped the dance medley part) but still, the other songs were vvv well sung! *thumbs up!*
the past week had been quite tiring (i duno y either), and i tink it ll be more so during this coming wk. oh, and a bbq on 16th (0.0). ahhh, hope i wun be bombarded with the same old many qns by relatives during CNY!!
time for bed!
03 February 2008
01 February 2008
so i should come up with some measures to prevent further deterioration:
1. reduce use of laptop (impossible)
2. no reading of notes/journals/studying after 11pm when the eyes are tired (easily done)
3. no watching of tv for more than 2 hrs per day (also easily done, some days i dun watch tv at all)
4. no playing of solitaire showdown on msn w mag (take it tt i nv say this too, cos its impossible. the game is too addictive and exciting!)
5. paint my room green (dun tink it ll help cos its not scientifically proven that green is good for eyesight)
so conclusion, deterioration of eyesight cant be helped too much.
19 January 2008
过去 都在眼睛里瞬间暂停
掉泪 然后走下去
juz realised this song is written by yi jia yang and composed by ah qin!!! wahh!! both i like!! guo cai jie is the gal who acted in yan zi's yu tian mv, and also ah qin's qi shi hai ai ni mv..din realised that its the same gal in the 2 MVs..hahhaah. but i only like 2 songs from her album..this ai qing ding ge and 诚实地想你. at some parts of the songs, her voice reminded me of guo mei mei..haa.